Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Pasar Jodhog, Bantul, Yogyakarta during the Shoots for Bengkel Sastra Movie

Bantul is one of the most original Javanese places in Jogja. You can see a trace of tradition in every corner of the town. This traditional market is one of Bantul wonders. Only crowded in the day of Pon according to Javanese calendar, this market has many things to offer us during the shooting of our Bengkel Sastra movie entitled "Manut".
Es Camcau is one of the yummiest Javanese drink

the camcau jelly
the seller is adding a dollop of thick brown sugar syrup into my glass

the red jelly in coconut milk
monte jelly beads
Es Camcau!
wanna some?

let's try
Damn, it's YUMM!
the wallah

a half glass of joy

he got some punk stickers from some vendors in the market

traditional toys

kupat tahu vendor

the busy market

the market is beside a ricefield

bakso noodle soup

it's breakfast, my friend!

a friend is eating mie ayam, a chicken noodle soup, as breakfast

ancient smoking kit! tobacco, cloves, kelembak, cigarette paper

kelembak for elder smokers


kelembak srintil

the cloves and the traditional scale

the traditional smoking kit

flower petals are sold for pilgrimage to cemeteries, as offerings to the deceased

the blacksmith corner

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