Last night Anna Reynolds told me that his Son Rawiri Mulhall asked whether I'll be coming there at their home in Batchelor to see him. I feel so bad, so I locked myself in my room and played Paddigame.
Anna is a famous artist from North Territory, Australia. She was here in Yogya for doing her residency and do some artworks for Fiberface exhibition. She brought her son here, a dark-skinned white boy with big big eyes, Rawiri. She hired me as a babysitter nany to take care of Rawiri while she's gone and do some batiks. Shortly, it is the best job I've ever done! Anna is real cool, and Rawiri is totally lovable. He is a hyperactive four year old, and he is obsessed of being big! The last time we go swimming together he touched the floor of the swimming pool with his toes and he was so excited that he said hysterrically "I nearly big! I NEARLY BIG!!!"
That's my big boy.
I nearly cried in the airport when I and Putro saw them leave Yogya. Rawiri said in Putro's hands that carried his small body, "No no no no, don't cry don't cry, we will see again in Bat che lor..." while his long eyelashed eyes blinked several times.

-At Hotel Winotosastro Garden with Putro-

-the very first one to get The Frankenstone's second album!-

-Ra's wandering in Taman Budaya Gallery-

-Ra and the dolls in Langgeng Bistro-

-Ra in Kartika Affandi's Gallery-

-Only Rawiri's legs can barely seen in the magnificent backyard of Kartika Affandi-

-Ra's talking with the giant skull in Langgeng Bistro-

-colorful cones at Langgeng Bistro. Just before we eat yummy supper-

-funny Security Guard in Cemeti Art House-

-saying goodbye to the rabbit-

-Ra's silhouette against the big windows in our room at Rumah Teman Homestay-

-Riding the rocket ship with Putro in Taman Pintar-

-restless in Taman Budaya-

-Kedai Kebun-

-Pee in Public-

-Ra and the Kids of Kampung Danurejan-

-Feeling the Grass-

-Ra and Danurejan dogs-

-Ra and a bull sculpture in Taman Pintar-
Being wet in Taman Pintar Playground

-naked white boy!-

-a ferry boat lego!-

-Having fun at Malioboro Mall-


-I swear I didn't know that those earrings were mosquito poison-

-yummy bakso noodle soup-

-riding the elephant at Malioboro mall-

-yes, this boy got an umbrella under the shower in Rumah Nangka homestay-

-little art photographer-

-Ra's little house under Mom's desk in Rumah Nangka-

-Kissing the fish in Hotel Tulip-

-Ra's school, Sekolah Alam in Nitiprayan-

-naked pilot-

-go crazy with my motorbike!-

-sometimes I really don't understand this kid-

-watching Star Wars in Mom's MacBook when she's not around-

-Ra's Jedi Sword: Tukang Parkir's torch stick-

-yummy whole grain bread from Hany's Bakery-

-Yummy pawpaw sallad-

-Rawiri the rat-

-He took this picture, told ya he's a photographer!-

-little farmer: petani cilik-

-Captain Rawiri-

-Ra's little house by the pool in Tulip Hotel-

-fat noodle boy-

-beautiful beautiful!-

-the biggest money i've made-
It was so much fun working with Anna and Rawiri. I indeed made big money, with which I bought my new netbook. But the money is not the biggest fun. I've made friends with Anna and Rawiri who I'm sure to be the coolest Mom and Son in the whole Australia.
I'm longing to see them again, surely, sometime in the future.
I'm a paid babysitter, but I'm a true friend of them.
hi gisela
BalasHapusI miss you alot-i want to come back to there and get my light saver that i forgot upsatirs - I am in Batchelor you can come to my house if you want to- it will be dark at our house - and riki will pick you up - love you good bye,, can i go on skype and see you? love rawiri xoxo
hey gisa we just re read your blog- your amazing