Senin, 13 Desember 2010

You think I sell my body? I merely sell my time!!!

Kim Shattuck is a kind of hero for me, and fortunately she is quite cutting edge, so I can admit her as my idol without being ashamed of. Some of the female singers are my heroes but I cannot admit that I love them merely because they are not cutting edge, hahaha...
After listening to "My Orphan Year" by NOFX, I was told that Kim Shattuck had sung with them long ago in the song "Lori Meyers". The song was released in the LP Punk In Drublic. I was given the album and I listen to the song and, immediately, love it.
The song is narrative, it has a great story. With only three stanzas you will be drawn to an ironic personal history of the fictional "Lori Meyers".

Lori Meyers used to live upstairs
Our parents had been friends years
Almost every afternoon we'd play forbidden games
At nine years old there's no such thing (as shame)
It wasn't recognition of her face, what brought me back was a familiar mark
As it flashed across the screen
I bought some magazines, some video tape scenes
Incriminating acts, I felt that I could save her

"Who are you to tell me how to live my life?
You think I sell my body; I merely sell my time.
I ain't no Cinderella, I ain't waitin' for no prince,
To save me in fact until just now I was doin' just fine.
And on and on.."

"I know what degradation feels like
I felt it on the floor at the factory
Where I worked long before, I took control now I answer to me
The 50K I make this year will go anywhere I please
Where's the problem?

-You think I sell my body; I merely sell my time.
I ain't no Cinderella, I ain't waitin' for no prince-

and this is the Bahasa Indonesia translated version of the song.

Lori Meyers dulu tinggal di lantai atas.
Ayah ibu kami telah berteman selama bertahun-tahun.
Hampir tiap sore kami bermain permainan-permainan terlarang.
Di umur sembilan tahun tidak ada rasa canggung seperti ini.
Bukannya aku mengenali wajahnya, yang membuatku kembali padanya adalah ciri familiar
Yang melesat di layar kaca.
Aku pun membeli beberapa majalah, beberapa video,
Akting-akting seronok. Kukira aku masih bisa menyelamatkannya.

"Kau pikir kau ini siapa, mengajariku hidup yang benar?
Kau kira aku jual diri; yang aku jual hanya waktuku!
Aku ini bukan Cinderella, aku tidak menanti seorang pangeran
untuk menyelamatkanku, bahkan sebenarnya sampai sekarang aku ini sangat baik-baik saja.
Dan akan terus begitu."

"Aku tahu apa rasanya keterpurukan,
Aku mengalaminya di atas lantai pabrik
tempat aku bekerja dulu. Sekarang aku yang pegang kendali, sekarang aku mengurus diriku sendiri,
$ 50.000 yang aku dapat tahun ini akan aku hamburkan sesukaku!

Di mana letak masalahnya?

-where's the problem?-

I really like the song that I played it several times a day, and I sing it everywhere until my boyfriend finally yelled to me "Yeah, where's the problem??? Actually what's YOUR problem anyway???" so I stop singing it in front of him. I still sing it in campus corridors anyway.

True singers never sings anywhere except on stage.
I am not one.

Anyway, I told my friends the story of the songs (I friend girls who are not punk rockers. Punk rock girls in my town are all "unpleasant"), and they love it! They are students of literature, as I am, and they think the diction of the song is a truly mature one.

It is ironic to see that the little girl you know for so long grows up to be a slut in your porn videos.
I think a boy cannot masturbate by seeing a childhood friend having sex with a faceless porn actor in the video he randomly downloads.

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